Praying on Offense

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A practical tool to help ordinary people elevate prayers into action. Download now and become part of a growing prayer army.

Praying on Offense is as easy as 1, 3, 2, where every believer has a pathway to

Take spiritual ownership of 1 space

505 *
Total Spaces

Embrace a deep sense of calling to 3 people

1751 *
Total People

Regularly pray the two sides of prayer

12659 *

God, what do you want me to know?
God, what do you want me to do?
Can you imagine how the world would be different if 10 million prayers were elevated into action? It might catalyze a worldwide movement of Spirit-led fearless humility.

877 *

Total number of Spirit-led Acts of Fearless Humility

Learn More
* Current numbers in Praying on Offense App

Meet Jeff

Dr. Jeff Clark’s journey into the transformative power of prayer began on the basketball court, where he has been on a college basketball coaching staff determined to build a program on the foundation of prayer. More than just victories on the court, the program witnessed the potential of prayer to catalyze transformation in individuals and entire teams.

This led to a doctoral study, where Jeff applied the principles of Praying on Offense (PROOF) beyond the sports arena and into the marketplace. His research validated the impact, showing transformational growth in leaders who prayed and enhanced well-being among those they prayed for, and has since sparked prayer movement into a variety of contexts.

There is a conviction behind Praying on Offense that the world needs thousands of ordinary men and women who bring the fearless humility of Christ to the people and spaces they encounter every day. The heartbeat is to empower ordinary people to experience the power of prayer, turning everyday moments into transformational opportunities.

There is a conviction behind Praying on Offense that the world needs thousands of ordinary men and women who bring the fearless humility of Christ to the people and spaces they encounter every day. The heartbeat is to empower ordinary people to experience the power of prayer, turning everyday moments into transformational opportunities.

Take the next steps in joining the movement

We partner with supporting organizations to see prayer movements come to life.

Praying on Offense Book

A Simple Guide to Transformational Prayer

Buy the Book

PROOF Coaching and Implementation

Interested in implementing Praying on Offense throughout your organization? Desire to have 1-on-1 PROOF Coaching?

Contact Us Now

What people are saying about Praying on Offense

“Praying on Offense presents a compelling connection between prayer and the events that surround us, challenging the narrative of coincidences and encouraging a deeper understanding of what it means to have faith. Praying On Offense has had a profound personal impact on my own life – I have witnessed firsthand the power of prayer and the results it has had on those around me. This is helpful for anyone looking to enrich their spirituality and grow closer to Christ.”

Ryan, CEO

“As a busy grandmother of a very large family I found Jeff Clark’s Praying on Offense to be so helpful and inspiring! Jeff has put together a wealth of knowledge, research, and experience on the tremendous potential of prayer- and made it applicable and practical for anyone to use! The 1-3-2 template provides the practical structure as we intentionally pray and seek God’s wisdom for our loved ones."

Leslie, Grandma

“Praying on Offense allows me to step into the gifts God has blessed me with to better serve those within my community. Viewing my work through the lens of God’s creation has given me the opportunity to see my crew the way Jesus does. I’m passionate about learning their individual strengths and then placing them in positions to shine brighter so that together we can leave spaces more beautiful than we found them. Praying on Offense helps me enhance earth to look a little more like heaven as I pour into those God has qualified me to grow.”

Cory, Landscaper

“I’ve used the principles from Praying on Offense in my own life. I’m certain you will also be able find practical ways to steward your influence for Christ no matter where God has placed you if you apply the principles of Praying on Offense!"

Wayne, Pastor and Denominational Leader

"Praying on Offense has given me the tools I need to lead my organization with efficiency and effectiveness. Building a strategy around hearing the heart of God has united our staff and equipped us to do His work with confidence. No matter where you are in your journey with God, you can apply PROOF instantly."

Roger, Director of Nonprofit

"For far too long, the playbook of the church has heavily relied on its coaches—pastors and spiritual leaders. At times throughout its history, the church has also seemed to be playing defense. Praying on Offense offers a fresh perspective on the church going on the offensive. Through the intentionality of prayer and by empowering the average believer, areas once thought off-limits become accessible. I believe his insights are relevant to unlocking a new and unique wave of spiritual multiplication."

Arlyn, President and Founder of Nonprofit

"Jeff Clark is intent on seeking God first, and others second. Praying on Offense clearly demonstrates for us what God is able to do as we surrender to His will through intercessory prayer! Lives are changed! Amazing! But God is amazing!"

Teresa, Executive Sales Assistant

"There will always be an element of mystery to prayer, but that doesn't mean it has to be complicated. Praying on Offense has helped make what I thought seemed complex more actionable and provided me with a practical pathway to partner with the Holy Spirit through prayer to better lead my program."

Neal, College Basketball Coach

"As a mom, my desire to pray for my household has always been there, but so often it either felt disconnected from the rest of my day or like one more thing I had to do. Praying on Offense has helped me realize that over time, prayer can have a tangible impact on my parenting."

Maggie, Mom

“When we work, we work. When we pray, God works."

- Hudson Taylor